Sunday, August 5, 2018

How many earths could possibly be there for all the stars in sky

Throughout the history of humans one things that has been pondered with all intrigue and seriousness is the vast it is ? is it infinite if yes what exactly is infinity if no what lies beyond the boundary,another universe?

Don't make a mistake that somehow i have found answers to these questions :D,though that would be cool isn't it ?

However Just like everybody else i have also equally pondered over the vastness of this universe,the dazzling stars that we see and distant ones that we only read about .in this extreme vastness one cliched question that arises "we can't possibly be alone" ? There has to be some earth like planets somewhere else right ? so how far would that place be ,in a different galaxy very far away from us or is it like as we know universe is expanding and once planets,galaxies pass the observable boundary (Doppler's effect) a new universe starts getting created ...wherever it is, it has to be very far away right ? or could it be that its somewhere not that far ,perhaps its within our galaxy ?

when we look in the sky on a starry night  are we possibly looking at some stars of an habitable solar system ? and if that's true most probably they are looking at us at the very same moment !. However since they are few light years away (nearest star is 4.5 light years away...Proxima century) they would be looking at our star the way it appeared few years back .they would be looking at our history and so would we fact is our history is being recorded by light and transmitted to each and every corner of the universe and received ? depends how good a telescope an advance civilization might have developed or perhaps we will develop in future.

so if really these stars have habitable planets around them its perhaps only a matter of time when a contact will be made ,perhaps its just starting days of universe and one day we will be able to communicate with other intellectual lives ,able to even travel to each other planets.imagine a cricket matches being played like Earth Vs SomePlanet on a neutral venue that's important !

The dark possibilities include that some aliens could be monsters who just want to crush earth for fun or invade earth for their requirements like they show in all hollywood movies

As per scientific evidences by NASA there are around 10000 possible civilizations in the universe with each civilization few thousand years apart .if any two civilization have a time scale of existence in thousands of years they could actually contact each other through light signals which travel fastest in universe.

at earth we only live for 100 years so even though the sender generation wont be the receiver ,still humanity as a one can communicate with some distant planets or civilization and in this search we have sent interstellar space shuttles like voyager1 voyage2 carrying various information about humanity some carrying records of the word "OM" ,some carrying various pictorial depiction of life
at earth some carrying statements by presidents and prime ministers of world.

I wish one day the search gets over because they are out there definitely and they are good like us only because monsters are only in movies and one day there will be a contact that will change life as we know it forever !

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